Mikao USUI is the Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, which is the basis for both Usui Shiki and Komyo Reiki.
USUI is the Family name. In Japan, the Family name comes first.
To honor my lineage Master’s names, where appropriate in the lineage descriptions below, the Family names are in all capital letters and first.
Usui Shiki Ryoho:
Level I and Level II:
USUI Mikao Sensei (Usui Reiki Ryoho Founder)
—->HAYASHI Chujiro Sensei
———-> Mrs. Hawayo Takata
—————–>Beth Gray
———————–>Amy Zaffarano (Level I)/Amy Z. Rowland (Level II)
Level III:
USUI Mikao Sensei (Usui Reiki Ryoho Founder)
—->HAYASHI Chujiro Sensei
———–> Mrs. Hawayo Takata
——————>Virginia Sandahl
—————————>Bill Costa
———————————>Irene Gray
—————————————->Susan Brown
———————————————–>Roxayne Veasey
—————————————————–>Peter Redmond
————————————————————–>Fran DuGan
——————————————————————–>Amy Zaffarano Rowland
Komyo Reiki:
USUI Mikao Sensei (Usui Reiki Ryoho Founder)
—->HAYASHI Chujiro Sensei
————>Mrs. YAMAGUCHI Chiyoko
———————->INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei